The members of the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) Ethylene Oxide Emissions Team (EtO) wish to acknowledge and thank the individuals, organizations, and agencies that contributed to this online guidance.
The EtO Team was led by April Lazzaro, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and Keisha Long, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. They were assisted by Program Advisors Kristen Parry and Paige Hobaugh of Tetra Tech, Inc. In addition, Heather Stettler, PhD, RPA, of Elemental Text, LLC, provided technical editing and writing services, and Bruce Elliot of Above Bits, LLC, provided website development. Evan Madden, (formerly of ITRC); Marguerite Bennett, ITRC Project Associate; Devin Seckar, ITRC Project Manager; and Nicole Henderson, H&M Environmental provided organizational support. Finally, Patricia Reyes (retired, former ITRC Director) and Charles Reyes (current ITRC Director) were excellent liaisons throughout the development of the guide.
During the development and updating phases, the web guide underwent multiple reviews from which the team received many expert comments across various federal, state, and private industry fields, as well as stakeholder members. This input was invaluable to the development of the final ITRC product. The team greatly appreciates those who offered advice, suggestions, reviews, and comments.
Specifically, the team wishes to thank and recognize the efforts and important contributions of the following team members, many of whom spent countless hours reviewing and responding to comments, writing and re-writing guidance text, traveling to in-person meetings, and creating training content:
- Stanley Aniagu, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Kristi Beck, Maricopa County Air Quality Department
- Lila Beckley, GSI Environmental Inc.
- Rachel Edie, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
- Michael Egnor, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
- Jaime Gore, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
- Bill Gulledge, American Chemistry Council
- Cassandra Henry, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Joanna Klapacz, Dow, Inc.
- Doreen Lehner, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
- Stephanie Lewis, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- DeAnna Oser, Georgia Environmental Protection Division
- Cayla Poteete, Tennessee Department of Health
- Eric Rowland, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
- Jasper Titus, Medline
- Ann Verwiel, ToxStrategies, Inc.
- Dennis Wambuguh, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Finally, the team leaders also recognize and express their gratitude for the following environmental professionals who participated in various roles throughout the life of the project and contributed their time and effort to the overall guide:
- Soumya Arikeri, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
- Will Bacon, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
- Ryan Biggerstaff, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Rachael Bragg, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Brad Busby, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
- Kim Butler, Maricopa County Air Quality Department
- William R. Chapman, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Nancy Daher, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
- Jessica Dees, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Sandra Goodrow, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
- Rebecca Higgins, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
- Karna Holquist, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Larry Ogle, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
- Ashley Powell, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
- Rob Seifert, United States Department of Energy
- Bryan Sims, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality
- Samantha Sims, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
- Shani Smith, Alabama Department of Environmental Management
- Claudio Sorrentino, California Department of Toxic Substances Control
- Ed Stuber, SGS North America
- Regenia Taylor, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
- Connie Turner, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control